Amazon Pay

PLEASE NOTE: Amazon Pay is back!

Amazon Pay is a quick and secure checkout method for customers who already have an Amazon account. Your preferred shipping and payment information can be auto-filled with just a few clicks. It's completely secure: you don't have to reveal your credit card information to us, and we won't know your Amazon password. 

To use this service, simply 1) add something to your cart, 2) checkout  as usual, and 3) look for the yellow Amazon Pay button. That's it! 

*Note: Herb's Fortune is an independent distributor with our own website and fulfillment system. We are not an Amazon seller, and we do not sell products through the Amazon platform / marketplace. We simply use their secured payment gateway as another means to process credit cards.

All purchases are backed by the A-to-Z Guarantee. You can choose to dispute any transaction if there is a problem.