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Here you can view real Sunrider reviews and testimonials from real Herb's Fortune customers, over 1,000 in total, going back to 2015. Please note: we do not as a rule censor or delete negative Sunrider reviews. We believe it's more valuable for a product to have a 1 star testimonial than no reviews at all. We want you to be confident in our customers' reviews of Sunrider products. Feel free to add your own, whether good or bad!

Below you can select from "Site Reviews" or "Product Reviews," depending on whether you're interested in our customers' overall shopping experience, or in specific information about Sunrider Products and their results. You can also find product testimonials listed on nearly every product page.

How do we collect these reviews? Most reviews are automatically solicited and returned by email, 2-3 weeks after a customer has made a purchase. We also allow customers to go on our website and submit their testimonials that way (however, they will only have a "Verified Buyer" tag next to their name if they actually purchased the product).

What's the difference between our review system and what you often find on Amazon? Did you know that Amazon reviews are often manipulated, or outright spoofed? It's such big business, that there are Chinese companies who specialize in this. A seller can improve or outright fabricate the rating and reviews on their Amazon listings simply by paying a fee. Bots and fake accounts do the rest. Our system makes this impossible. Our reviews target verified buyers, giving the system more integrity and transparency. Only verified buyers will ever have this tag next to their name.